The Life of an Insurance Adjuster

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Julius Spada reflects on his job during an interview. Spada is an insurance adjuster in the state of New Jersey. (Photo by: Kaitlin Spada/TU Student)

Although not often known, the job of an insurance adjuster can be a tiresome one. For Julius Spada, though, it’s the little things in life that keep his positive spirits going.

Towson Student on Traveling


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Brittany Starr looks out the window of a Towson University building on a sunny day. (Photo by: Kaitlin Spada/ TU student)

Brittany Starr, a student at Towson University, discussed her feeling on traveling and her favorite cities and places around the world. Starr expressed her favorite part about traveling, which was spending time with who ever she is with.

Towson University Men and Women Gather Together to Celebrate International Women’s Day

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Towson University students comfort one another while listening to men and women tell their personal stories relating to International Women’s Day. A Women’s Day rally was planned to unite those who believe in equality for all. (Photo by: Kaitlin Spada/ TU student)

Freedom square, the heart of Towson University, was occupied with students and faculty last Wednesday for International Women’s Day.

Men and women of varying ages told heartfelt stories about the impact International Women’s Day had on them and the importance of bringing awareness to equality issues. Continue reading

Photo Project

FullSizeRender-2.jpgMy first photo, a statue of our school mascot, was an interesting photo for me to take. My first thoughts were, “ugh, no thanks,” because I thought this would be a boring picture. I actually ended up really like it at the angle I took it at. It’s eye are kind of freaky so I didn’t want them in the shot. I think the teeth are a cool feature, and paired with the foot and tail in the background, I think it looks really interesting.



My next photo is of the sunset on March 1st. I was waiting all day to take a picture of a stormy sky, as the weather had predicted, but instead the sky was filled with beautiful colors. I was pleasantly surprised. The contrast between the dark branches and the light sky is what makes me really love this picture.



I am the Vice President of PR for my sorority and Wednesday was “Wear Your Letters Wednesday.” After leaving my journalism class, I posted in my sorority’s FaceBook page asking if anyone was wearing letters and had some free time to get their picture taken. Two girls responded and this was one of the pictures I ended up taking. Although it is not a candid picture, as I had hoped,  I think the brick and the white windows are a great addition to the picture.

Social Media in Journalism

Social media effects many parts of today’s culture, including journalism.

According to Kimberlee Morrison of AdWeek, journalists have been using social media more than ever before.

The article expresses how important social media is in regards with keeping in contact with audience members and keeping issues up to date and relevant.

A negative aspect of social media, many journalists agree, is that it “undermines traditional journalists values.”

I agree that social media is a good way to connect with the public and stay in the loop with current issues.


Hello and welcome to my blog! I am going to use my first post to tell you all a little bit about myself. As you may have picked up from the title of my website, my name is Kaitlin Spada. I am a sophomore at Towson University. My major is Mass Communication with a track in Public Relations. When I am not at school here in Maryland, I live in Florham Park, New Jersey. A few things I am obsessed include: good music, carbs, my cat Ellie, arboretums, and coffee. kay-spada